
I am a Bioinformatics Fellow at the Gladstone Institutes in San Francisco. I am advised by Dr. Barbara Engelhardt. Previously I worked as a Data Science Consultant for IBM Federal, completed my PhD in Chemical and Biological Engineering at Princeton, and completed a Bachelors of Science in Engineering at Duke University in Biomedical Engineering with a minor in Economics.

I am excited about developing machine learning and statistical models to tackle challenging biological experimental data. An engineer by training, I am interested in applying optimization techniques to design novel biology and chemistry. My current work primarily focuses on applying ML techniques to two biological areas: proteins and spatial imaging. I am also excited about statistical modeling for more societal level applications, such as work on a generative model for terrorism and the consulting work at IBM. For more about my current and past projects, check out the Research page.

I am also interested in applying biotechnology to help mitigate the impacts of climate change. Together with Ben Weiner, I write the Reductase blog on Substack exploring the technical and economic challenges in developing novel biology for climate technologies. Links to these posts will also be availble on the blog section of this site.